
Showing posts from February, 2018

Auto Leasing Scams

Car-leasing has been lauded as a more attractive alternative to buying, offering in the process the flexibility to drive a new car for less. The reality, however, is that leasing is an option that is fraught with many pitfalls for the average customer. Leasing regulation does not require as much disclosure as buying a vehicle . This has given rise to many leasing scams that trick the customer into believing they are into a good deal when, in effect, all he is getting is a rough deal on the dealer’s terms. Here we look at some of these common scams and how to avoid them Artificially low interest rates: Some dealers quote a lower interest rate when in reality it’s much higher. They do this by either purposefully quoting the money factor as the interest rate or calculating the loan without amortizing some closing fees, like the security deposit, into the loan lease. Take the money factor for example: this is typically expressed as a four decimal digit, something like 0.00

How you & Your Partner Should Save Money

Most newly-married couples are having a hard time adjusting to a different way of life, especially when it comes to financial matters.  As separate individuals, your spending habits will differ. This is why you both need to make certain adjustments to combine the household budget. Here are some ways on how you and your partner can make the ‘financial aspect’ of your marriage harmonious and organized: Understand the way that you both look at money. If you and your spouse have different beliefs when it comes to money matters,  sit down and discuss it. The key here is to be able to compromise. For some people, money is a security measure that needs to be saved. Other people spend it luxuriously and look at spending money as a means to reward themselves for their work. Still, other people are very thrifty that they hardly ever spend a cent of what they have earned. Understand that the way that you both treat and spend money stems from how you were brought up by your